Throughout my life, I’ve always spoken up for those who don’t have a voice. For children, families, and the elderly. For those struggling to get out of poverty, and those seeking a fresh start in a new country. For child care providers, and small business owners. For victims of natural disasters in my birthplace in the Dominican Republic.
If you ever have any questions about specific legislation, or want to share your perspective on a matter, please reach out to me. You can email me at repgracediaz@gmail.com or call me on my cell at (401) 575-3641. I’m in this role to serve the needs of my community, so let me know how I can help!
Click below to view highlights of my
While I can’t connect with you in person during this challenging time, I am here to serve you and support your needs. Please be aware that there are wait times with COVID hotlines.
Recent testing across the country has revealed that the Latino community is disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. I’ve been asked to serve on a team of advisors to the Governor’s office, and we’re working hard to identify why this is happening and to find solutions.
Pruebas recientes en todo el país han revelado que la comunidad latina se ve desproporcionadamente afectada por COVID-19. Me pidieron que formara parte de un equipo de asesores de la oficina de la gobernadora, y estamos trabajando arduamente para identificar por qué sucede esto y para encontrar soluciones.
Multilingual COVID-19 Resources
Resources in Spanish / Recursos en Español
Translations into 40+ languages as part of Harvard Medical School’s COVID-19 Health Literacy Project.
Here are some helpful resources.
Aquí hay algunos recursos útiles.
General Information
Información general
IRS -For information about economic impact stimulus payments.
Department of Environmental Management – Status of outdoor recreation programs. To register concerns about large crowds – Telephone: 401-889-5500.
Family Court Issues – For clarification on custody issues.
RI Office of Healthy Aging – To help seniors.
RI Division of Taxation Information for hotels and owners of vacation properties.
Division of Motor Vehicles – Main office in Cranston by appointment only. Satellite offices closed. Telephone: 401-462-4368.
Health updates & tips to keep yourself and your loved ones safe:
Actualizaciones de salud y consejos para mantenerse seguro y proteger a sus seres queridos:
Information from the CDC on how to protect yourself and others from COVID19
COVID19 guidance, closures, and testing information from the Rhode Island Department of Health
Delivery services available for food and groceries, medication, and food assistance.
Reminders for what to do if asked to quarantine at home or self-monitoring.
Rhode Island COVID-19 testing info, updated regularly by the RI Department of Health
Important new additions include: how to get tested (with or without health insurance), the new walk-up test site in Elmwood, as well as a multilingual drive-up test site at Providence’s Clínica Esperanza/Hope Clinic.
Resources particularly useful for Providence residents:
Recursos particularmente útiles para los residentes de Providence:
Statewide resources:
Recursos a nivel estatal:
Governor Raimondo’s daily Coronavirus press conferences are broadcast live on her Facebook page and on local news channels at 1:00 pm.
Economic Progress Institute has put together a collection of Coronavirus fact sheets on topics such as getting health insurance and health care, what to do if you’re currently unable to work due to Coronavirus, and resources for undocumented immigrants, DACA, TPS, and DED holders.
Federal resources for Rhode Islanders:
Recursos federales para los residentes de Rhode:
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has organized a comprehensive list of federal resources that can help Rhode Islanders.
Please reach out to me if you’re not able to get the support you need, and I will do my best to get you answers. I can be reached by email at repgracediaz@gmail.com, or by phone at (401) 575-3641.
Comuníquese conmigo si no puede obtener la asistencia que necesita, y haré todo lo posible para obtener sus respuestas. Me pueden contactar por correo electrónico a repgracediaz@gmail.com, o por teléfono al (401) 575-3641.