Throughout my life, I’ve always spoken up for those who don’t have a voice. For children, families, and the elderly. For those struggling to get out of poverty, and those seeking a fresh start in a new country. For child care providers, and small business owners. For victims of natural disasters in my birthplace in the Dominican Republic.
If you ever have any questions about specific legislation, or want to share your perspective on a matter, please reach out to me. You can email me at or call me on my cell at (401) 575-3641. I’m in this role to serve the needs of my community, so let me know how I can help!
Click below to view highlights of my
I need your help! This year’s elections will be unlike any other in our lifetime.
Since many of us are avoiding unnecessary in-person gatherings, we have to spread the word a little differently this year. I still want people to know why I’m running for re-election, and what I’ll be continuing to fight for. I also want to make sure people know how and when to vote safely. We must work together to ensure our voices are heard at the polls! Below are three things you can do to help.
Don’t forget to vote in Rhode Island’s special election on March 2, 2021. Vote to decide whether to authorize $400M in bonds. You can vote by mail, early in-person, or in-person on Election Day. Click here to learn more.
I’ll be sharing important election information and updates by email. Sign up to stay in touch!
These are difficult financial times for many of us, but if you can give, please do. Any donation, no matter how small, helps us continue to get our message out.